MEMBERSHIP FORM download and fill Membership form. Click to download form AWROP Membership Form After filling scan and send to Or fill the form online Company Name *Company Address *Name of CEO *Phone *WebsiteWATERWELL RIG OWNERYesNoAny company/Person who has a drilling equipmentPRACTITIONERRegistered GeophyscistHydro GeologistWater EngineerAny person under the following categoryDRILLER’S CATEGORIESMechanized Water Well OperatorDrillerWATER WELL CONTRACTORYesNoCompany or person involve in negotiation on borehole activitiesWATER WELL DRILLING RIG ENGINEERYesNoPassport *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileUpload recent passport Photo (file types - jpeg png gif)Send Message